Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Personal Journey & Culinary Adventure

 I'm not quite sure how I want to tell my story and how I came to write this blog. Should it be with an inspiring quote about change and how it is not found without chaos? A light hearted and to the point
 " Welcome to my kitchen" ? Or by telling you that I have overcome obstacles both with my health and in daily life that have lead me to a new awakening in myself and the food that I've discovered as a result?

If you are still reading this is what I chose....... Welcome to Alison Marsh Kitchen. A blog designed to share my recipes and culinary adventures all while maintaing my Gluten Free, Yeast Free, Refined Sugar Free and Dairy free lifestyle. 

About me: 

My Name is Alison Marsh. I am a happily married mother of a sweet and sassy little girl. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, Creating and cooking in my kitchen, Art, Photography, 
Writing, Antiques and a good book.

Due to health issues I was given a very restrictive diet by my physician a couple of years ago. After the initial shock wore off I became overly confident in my ability to follow the diet and adjust. That was a big mistake. After day 4 I was a miserable human being. I was "Hangry" (Hungry and Angry) all the time, had little to no patience and moments of weepiness.  I underestimated the effect a big change in the food I ate would have on my mind and body. After day 7 I was slowly being released from the sugar cravings ( they still pop up here and there but I am better equipped to handle them).

 I started trying the various Gluten Free items in my local supermarket and natural food market, reading and re-reading labels usually finding items didn't meet all of my needs. This led to a frustrated empty tummy or eating things that tasted more like sawdust than food.

 I live in an area abounding in comfort food..the pasta, pizza, cookies, doughnuts, burgers, mac n cheese, rich desserts or anything covered in bread crummy goodness were gone from my life.   I mourned them.   I hated my illnesses for taking away my perceived "only way" to comfort myself in times of need or boredom. I felt alone. I felt different. I felt like a freak of nature to be totally honest.  After the self loathing stopped I told myself to be strong, to stick to the diet, and heal myself for a better future.

 I filled my kitchen with quality ingredients and made lists of my recipes. There were  both successes and learning opportunities.  I tried every kind of flour I could get my hands on, I brought out all of my kitchen appliances and made my family and friends my test subjects. Some were a hit, others not so much, but I never regret a bad recipe. I only regret that I didn't try. I'm fortunate that after a couple years of trying the recipes that don't work are few and far between. I'm sure they are too. At that moment I was unknowingly starting on a new journey that would allow me to simply share my experiences, my food, love and knowledge of the fun and interesting ways to keep cookin', keep enjoying your favorite foods with some creativity and laugh with others around the table again.

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