Monday, December 29, 2014

Oh how times flys!

have committed the number one Blogger "No. No.". I have forsaken my readers. I haven't posted in months. I can only say life has been.. The past six months have shown us our strength, compassion and closeness as a family. We also enjoyed a busy Summer and Fall with our little girl. I have been cooking and saving some recipes to share with all of you and I promise not to go so long in-between posts. First though, here are some fun pictures my daughter and I had taken before life goes whizzing by yet again. 

Her hugs are the best! 

So sweet and sassy. 

The lovely photos above are all courtesy of Kelli Marsh Photography. She is ever so talented. See for yourself by visiting her on Facebook or on her website: 

Photo Copyright: Kelli Marsh Photography 2014 

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