Thursday, February 12, 2015

Is It Summer Yet? Salad

Is it just me or has this winter been a little extra unbearable? The blustery winter air catches in my chest and burns my eyes and the snow..oh the never ending snow.. has reached hip height on my patio. Don't even ask how high the piles of snow are at the end of my driveway it makes me weepy. Days like this make me yearn for summer. Fresh crisp veggies, fruit so bright and ripe it seems to good to be true. 

So, needless to say with the chill in the air I've been subjecting my family to a lot of soups. Warmth. Cozy little bowls of goodness. However there comes a time when you've just had it with the "fall back" winter fare. So, on those occasions I pretend it is summer. I make a nice salad with the organic veggies my market has available and a crisp and bright salad dressing to wake up my taste buds. 
((If I could dig out my grill and make some nice chicken to go with it I would.))

To make our salad a little more interesting I decided to shred some zucchini, summer squash and carrots over a bed of spinach with sweet red peppers and red onions. The cherry on top.. Grape tomatoes. 

You could add shredded cabbage or cubed Avacado to add more texture. 

For the dressing I made a great Asian Style Vinaigrette: 

2 oz Rice Wine Vinegar
4oz  Olive or Grape Seed Oil
2 Tbsp GF Hoisin Sauce 
1Tsp Mined Garlic
1Tbsp GF Soy Sauce 
2 Tbsp Organic Honey 
S&P to taste 

So, if winter has you down pretend it's Summer even for one night. 

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