Thursday, April 3, 2014

Bad days and lovely personal shoppers.

I'm having one of "those" days.. Well, actually one of "those" weeks. I've been sick all week. I started a new medication about a month and a half ago with the hopeful end result of feeling a bit better by the end of May. I've spent some days barely able to get out of bed. Trying desperately to flash a smile at my daughter and husband to let them know I'm okay. This waiting game when you are ill and have been for so many years can get pretty damn old.  It is the little things that help me get thru each day. A fun recipe I can share with all of you, a cloudless day where the sun shines in the window and warms us a bit, or a lovely call from a friend to say hello. 

An unexpected bright spot for me today was the discovery that my local and beyond fabulous grocery store has started a personal shopper program. They have an app you can download, make a list with specifics like how ripe you like your bananas and send it to them for fulfillment. They only have 40 spots available each day so I wasn't able to pick up my list until tomorrow morning but I can wait! 
It is hard enough to shop with a very energetic and curious five year old in tow, but when you are sick that weekly shopping trip can seem like climbing Everest. Dodging carts, forgetting items clearly marked on your list, people who seem to be in front of every item you need and the casual laze-fair shopper in her fur coat can zap every ounce of energy you have. Joint pain, nausea, confusion and extreme exhaustion are just a few of the lovely things I have Piggie backing every experience of my life each day. Taking one "to do" off my list is HUGE! 

So, when I go to pick up my list of items tomorrow I'm going to hug my personal shopper and thank the universe for the little things like my bags filled with my green bananas someone else picked out for me. Thank you universe. Thank you for making it a little easier. I needed that. 

To learn more about Wegmans: 

In the App Store: 
Wegmans Food Markets

( the personal shopper program is currently only offered in their flagship store located in Pittsford,Ny)

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