Saturday, March 8, 2014

For the weary foodie.

 For those of you that don't "Have" to be Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Yeast Free or Refined Sugar Free.

   I find that I am always asked what my dietary restrictions are. Either by family, friends or when on the rare occasion I dare to dine out by my poor unknowing server.  I begin my lengthy list and wait for the reaction. It is usually one of shock and awe, pity, confusion, annoyance or when I'm lucky, a shared nod of the head from other individuals or restauranteurs that understand.

  In the beginning I was guilty of focusing on what was lacking from my diet. I was first restricted from gluten then a year or so after the rest of the restrictions came along. At that point I found myself reflecting on "How good I had it " when I was "only" gluten free. Now that I have to change how I eat on a daily basis it has really become easier to do "without"...

   Then one day something happened. I started telling people what I COULD  still have. Once I changed my vocabulary I changed my mindset. When you think about your average "meat and potatoes" dinner with a portion of protien, a starch and a vegetable prepared simply without using any gluten, dairy, yeast or refined sugar ingredients ( which you probably do already)  it is a meal you might consume at home that meets these "restrictions".

   I have served both family and friends entire 5 course meals that are Gluten Free, Yeast Free, Dairy Free and Refined Sugar Free and they didn't know it until I told them at the end of our meal. I usually get the "I can't believe it! That was SO good! I never knew!" It always makes me happy that my guests have enjoyed their meal and I feel I have provided them with a healthy alternative and an education of sorts.

    So, to my weary foodies, if you are thinking of trying something new, or even a familiar ingredient in a way that may be new to you, just try something simple at first. Baby Steps.  You may be surprised. You may find that you are already eating this way without knowing it OR that you actually prefer it over the "old way".

If you have questions or even a favorite recipe that you'd like help converting send me an email.  I'm here to help. I navigated it on my own and it was tough. If I could only accomplish one thing with my blog it would be that I have helped someone find joy and satisfaction in their kitchen while eating healthy along the way.

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