Friday, March 7, 2014

Matcha Green Tea and Vanilla Latté

 Sometimes treating yourself a little extra special seems out of reach or gets lost in the rush of the day to day. On cold mornings I enjoy a nice cup of tea and a cozy blanket to recharge and relax. My only company is a good book or just the silence that is only achieved in my house for an hour or so a day.

My favorite tea to indulge in is my Matcha Green Tea and Vanilla Latté. Simple ingredients and patience is all you need to create a satisfying cup.

Ingredients: 1/2 Cup of Almost Boiling water  added to a mug (careful not to burn yourself)
3/4 Cup of Unsweetened Almond, Coconut or Soy milk warmed 
1 tea bag of Matcha Green Tea
1/4 Teaspoon of Madagascar Vanilla 
1 Tablespoon of High Quality Honey ( this will dramatically effect the flavor of your latté) I used Organic Wild Flower Honey for this recipe. 

Directions: Add your tea bag to the boiling water in your mug. Let it steep for 5-7 mins.  
Next add in your warmed milk substitute, honey and vanilla. Stir until combined. 


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