Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day

I captured this image just as the sun was rising over the red stained rocks at Lake Powell in Utah this past summer. I stood on the back of our house boat, wiped the sleep from my eyes and felt the warm breeze blow thru my hair. The only sounds were of the water slapping on the side of the rocks and the faint splash of fish jumping from the water to catch their breakfast. Above me the sun woke up and painted the sky with the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen. Heavy rain clouds paitiently sat in the distance and waited for the show to be over before moving in. 

Before I reached for my camera I took a moment to just be present. To absorb the beauty around me and share it with people I love. We were there with family and in that little canyon surrounded by water, rocks, sand and sky we could have been the last people on Earth. In that moment we were part of the story of the Earth. Our eyes saw something that would never be seen again. The same lighting, the same sounds, the same eyes sharing the vision of the World waking up was unique and all ours.

In that moment I shared my respect for the place that holds so much life and gives so much to us each day with my daughter. As my parents taught me I try to teach her to think beyond herself, beyond her actions to the far reaching future that we all have to protect. The planet's history, present and future depends on smart choices, strong people who advocate for the others that cannot be heard and to share this knowledge so we can care for this gift we have under our feet, above our heads and all around us each day. 

Beyond today I will continue to help, teach, reduce, reuse, recycle and make choices that have a positive impact on my time here and hopefully the future of the awe inspiring place we call home.

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