Monday, April 21, 2014

Strawberry Balsamic Dressing

Spring FINALLY arrived here in the northeast. I felt like the produce really suffered this winter and was beyond happy to see my organic section of the supermarket stocked with bright colored juicy strawberries. 

I whipped up a salad that included organic mixed greens, organic spinach greens, sunflowers, pecans ( brought back by a family member from Oklahoma..mind blowingly good), strawberries and dried unsweetned cranberries. I topped it off with my Strawberry Balsalmic Vinaigrette.
I hope you enjoy it as much as my family did. 

Makes about 1 1/2 Cups of Vinaigrette. 

Ingredients for Vinaigrette: 
1/8 Cup Sunflower Seeds
3/4 Cup Good Balsalmic Vinegar
1/8 Cup Orange Blossom Honey
1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
4 Ripe Organic Strawberries ( cleaned and cut into quarters) 
Salt & Pepper to taste 

In a blender or food processor combine all of the ingredients except Olive oil. Run until smooth. Slowly add the Olive oil and run for 1 min. The color will lighten and the ingredients will all become combined. (if you are using a blender add the Olive oil in 3 parts and run in between each addition. If you try to blend such a small amount with the cap vented it will spray all over your kitchen.. Yikes!) 

Serve on top of your favorite salad. 

If you have remaining Vinaigrette store it in the refrigerator. Before using again let it come to room temperature and whisk if separation has occurred.

* Grilled Chicken, Tuna, Portabello Mushrooms or Tofu would be great protien additions to this salad*

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